Class 10 English Karnataka State Board Syllabus
English (1st Language)
Class 10 English Prose
- Chapter 1: A Wrong Man in Workers’ Paradise
- Chapter 2: The Elixir of Life
- Chapter 3: The Gift of the Magi
- Chapter 4: Louis Pasteur, Conqueror of Disease
- Chapter 5: What is Moral Action?
- Chapter 6: The Eyes Are Not Here
- Chapter 7: The Girl Who Was Anne Frank
- Chapter 8: A Village Cricket Match
- Chapter 9: Consumerist Culture
- Chapter 10: The Pie and the Tart
Class 10 English Poem
- Chapter 1: To a Pair of Sarus Cranes
- Chapter 2: Abraham Lincoln’s Letter
- Chapter 3: Vachana
- Chapter 4: Lochinvar
- Chapter 5: A Poison Tree
- Chapter 6: That Time of Year …
- Chapter 7: The Stolen Boat
- Chapter 8: Mending Wall
- Chapter 9: Buttoo
- Chapter 10: C.L.M
Class 10 English Supplementary
English (2nd Language)
Class 10 English Prose
- Chapter 1: A Hero
- Chapter 2: There’s a Girl by the Tracks!
- Chapter 3: Gentleman of Rio en Medio
- Chapter 4: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
- Chapter 5: The Concert
- Chapter 6: The Discovery
- Chapter 7: Colours of Silence
- Chapter 8: Science and Hope of Survival
Class 10 English Poem
- Chapter 1: Grandma Climbs a Tree
- Chapter 2: Quality of Mercy
- Chapter 3: I Am the Land
- Chapter 4: The Song of India
- Chapter 5: Jazz Poem Two
- Chapter 6: Ballad of the Tempest
- Chapter 7: The Blind Boy
- Chapter 8: Off to Outer Space Tomorrow Morning
Class 10 English Supplementary
- Chapter 1: Narayanpur Incident
- Chapter 2: On Top of the World
- Chapter 3: A Great Martyr Ever Cherished
- Chapter 4: The Bird of Happiness
English (3rd Language)
Class 10 English Prose
- Chapter 1: Chanakya and Rakshasa
- Chapter 2: At the Zoo
- Chapter 3: Kashmir, The Garden of India
- Chapter 4:The Two Great Musicians
- Chapter 5: Life in Banjarumale
- Chapter 6: Simpleton!
- Chapter 7: Sohrab and Rustum
- Chapter 8: A Scene From Shakuntala
Class 10 English Poem
- Chapter 1: Faithful Friends
- Chapter 2: The Tiger and the Deer
- Chapter 3: Autumn Song
- Chapter 4: The Note Nature
- Chapter 5: Plant Tree
- Chapter 6: Prayer for Dumb Creatures
- Chapter 7: A Nurse’s Song
- Chapter 8: It Never Comes Again