Class 10 Chapter 1: Treasure Island

Class 10 English Question and Answer Karnataka State Board Syllabus

Class 10 English Supplementary Chapter 1

Treasure IsLand

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Comprehension I: Treasure Island

Question 1.
What was Admiral Benbow?
It was an inn in a small bay in the west of England, managed by Jim Hawkins’ father and mother.

Question 2.
Who was the guest who took up a room in Admiral Benbow?
Bill, a wizened old seaman, took up a room in Admiral Benbow.

Question 3.
What was his cherished possession?
An old sea chest.

Question 4.
Why did he give Jim fourpence?
He told young Jim to be on the lookout for a seafaring type of man with one leg.

Question 5.
Why was Billy looking out to sea every evening?
Billy was afraid that pirates from Captain Flint’s crew were coming there to steal his old sea-chest.

Question 6.
Describe the encounter between Billy and the mysterious seafaring man.
The mysterious seafaring man argued with Billy, and soon both of them were fighting furiously. Wounded, the stranger was put to flight, but Billy was left stretched out on the floor, gasping for breath.

Question 7.
What is the black spot?
The black spot was a pirate summons; Billy had been a member of the notorious Captain Flint’s crew, and he was afraid the pirates would come and steal his sea chest.

Question 8.
What did Jim and his mother take from Billy’s sea chest before they fled the inn?
Jim’s mother took as many coins as would be sufficient to cover the old pirate’s rent, and not a halfpenny more, while Jim found an intriguing bundle of papers, wrapped in oilcloth, which he pocketed as payment for his services.

Question 9.
What important document did the bundle of papers contain?
The bundle of papers contained a treasure map, showing where the pirate Captain Flint had buried all the looted treasure.

Question 10.
Who did Jim give it to?
Jim gave it to the Squire and the doctor who were dining together.

Question 11.
How did Blind Pew die?
As the pirates were escaping, one of the horses of the revenue officers knocked down Blind Pew and he fell down dead.

Question 12.
What arrangement did Squire Trelawney and Dr Livesey make for a voyage for a treasure hunt?
The squire travelled to Bristol, where he bought a fine schooner called The Hispaniola, as well as hiring a sea- captain. The ship’s cook was to be a one-legged old sailor called Long John Silver, who had given Squire Trelawney invaluable help in picking the rest of the crew.

Question 13.
There are 2 Captain Flints in the story. Who are they?
One of them is the notorious leader of the pirates, Captain Flint who had buried the treasure on the treasure- island. The second one is Long John Silver’s pet parrot which goes on squawking: “Pieces of eight Pieces of eight!”

Question 14.
Who was nicknamed Barbecue? And why?
Long John Silver, the one-legged old sailor, was nicknamed Barbecue because he was the cook onboard The Hispaniola.

Question 15.
Why was Capt. Is Smollett unhappy?
Captain Smollett was unhappy because he had had no hand in choosing his crew, and was unhappier still that everyone knew that they were sailing for treasure.

Question 16.
What was John Silver’s treacherous plan? ‘
John Silver was planning to kill the skipper, the squire and the doctor once the treasure was found.

Question 17.
How did Jim come to know about it?
Late one evening, when Jim was looking for an apple to eat, he happened to climb right into the nearly empty apple barrel. While he was sitting hidden inside it, he overheard a conversation between Long John Silver and the ship’s coxswain.

Question 18.
Why did Capt. Smollett say that the odds were stacked against their survival?
Of the twenty-six people aboard the ship, there were only seven upon whom Captain Smollett could rely, and this made him say that the odds were stacked against their survival.

Question 19.
How does Jim manage to escape to the island?
When the ship was at anchor, acting more on instinct than anything else, Jim hid himself aboard the boat that rowed ashore, and as soon as the coast was clear, made a run for the shelter of the nearby undergrowth.

Question 20.
Who is Ben Gunn?
When Jim was running away from Long John Silver who had just then stabbed a pirate, he stopped to catch his breath and found himself facing a wild-looking man, dressed all in rags. He announced that he was poor Ben Gunn.

Question 21.
Why and how was Ben left marooned on the island?
Ben had been on Captain Flint’s ship when the treasure was buried. The wicked pirate had taken six men ashore with him to hide the booty and murdered them all so its location remained a secret. Ben had returned on another * ship to look for the treasure three years back, but when they could not find it, his shipmates had left him marooned on the island.

Question 22.
Why did Capt. Smollett and others consider the stockade an ideal place for them?
When they reached the shore, Captain Smollett and the others saw the sturdy log cabin, with loopholes for muskets in its walls, protected by a perimeter fence of stout wooden paling, six feet high. They decided this stockade was as good a place as any to make a stand against the pirates.

Question 23.
What was Sliver’s demand for a truce? What was Capt? Smollett’s response?
John Silver offered to spare the defenders’ lives if they gave him the treasure map. Captain Smollett refused him point-blank, saying the pirate’s word was not worth a rotten ship’s biscuit, and that they had no intention of giving up the treasure map anyway.

Question 24.
What was the result of the attack of the pirates on the stockade?
When the pirates attacked the stockade, the defenders retreated into the log cabin, from which they exchanged musket fire with the pirates. Suddenly, several attackers swarmed over the perimeter fence. Two were shot down, and one retreated, but four of them made it to the cabin wall, where they were able to shoot in through the building’s loopholes at will.

Realizing the tables had been turned, the defenders rushed outside and fought the pirates hand-to-hand. A few minutes later, the pirates lay dead, but two of the squire’s men had perished as well, and the captain was wounded.

Question 25.
What surprise awaited Jim when he returned to the stockade?
Very pleased that he had captured the ship and taken it to a safe place, Jim made his way back to the stockade, but to his horror, it was Long John Silver and the pirates who greeted 1 him. For some reason, the doctor had given it up to them along with the treasure map.

Question 26.
Give any two examples of Jim’s acts of bravery.
One act of bravery was shooting down his attacker dead onboard The Hispaniola, and the second act was that of revealing to John Silver and the other pirates that it was he who had uncovered their plot and it was he who had taken the ship.

Question 27.
On what condition was Silver willing, to surrender to Capt. Smollett?
Silver was willing to surrender to Captain Smollett if he were given the promise of lenient treatment.

Question 28.
Why did the pirates serve the back? spot on Silver?
The pirates were very angry at losing so many men and being marooned, and so gave Long John Silver the black spot.

Question 29.
Why had the doctor given the pirates the stockade and the treasure map?
The doctor had gone to find Ben Gunn. When he learned that Ben Gunn had already found the treasure and taken it to his cave, and also saw that the ship had vanished, he gave the Pirates the treasure map, which was now useless, and let them have the stockade, where he was sure they would go down with malaria.

Question 30.
Why did the pirates accuse Silver and Jim of treachery?
The pirates, along with Silver and Jim, came to the giant tree that marked the spot where Captain Flint had buried the bulk of his treasure. Then they saw a gaping hole under the tree in the ground, that had been dug several months ago. The despairing pirates dug the earth at the bottom of the hole with their bare hands, but the treasure had gone. Then they turned on Long John Silver and Jim, accusing them of treachery.

Question 31.
Why did the captain want to sail to the Spanish Americas?
The captain wanted to sail there because they were short of men, and they could take on more men in the nearby Spanish Americas.

Question 32.
What did Silver do at the end?
When they reached the mainland, Long John Silver managed to slip off the board, taking with him some 400 coins.

Comprehension II: Treasure Island

Question 1.
The story has a galaxy of interesting characters. Which of the characters do you like the most? And why?

The story features a fascinating array of characters, each bringing unique qualities to the narrative. Some of the most interesting ones include Billy, Jim, the doctor, the squire, Long John Silver, and Ben Gunn.

Billy stands out for his habit of sitting in the corner of the Admiral Benbow Inn, drinking rum, and singing the haunting sea shanty, “Fifteen men on the dead man’s chest. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!”

Jim is particularly admirable for his quick thinking and resourcefulness. Whether it’s taking the treasure map after Billy’s death, evading pirates on the island, informing everyone about Ben Gunn, or single-handedly steering the ship to safety after killing his attacker, Jim consistently demonstrates bravery and intelligence. His actions are pivotal to the treasure hunt, as he is the one who first discovers the treasure map and brings it to the squire and doctor, who have the means to pursue the treasure.

The doctor earns respect for his unwavering concern for others’ health, regardless of the circumstances. He recognizes the threat of malaria as soon as he sees the island and, even after being driven away by the pirates, he returns under a flag of truce to treat the wounded and sick. Before leaving, he also wisely warns Long John Silver about the dangers of digging up the treasure during squalls.

The squire is notable for his active role in organizing the treasure hunt. He travels to Bristol, buys a fine schooner, and hires a sea captain and cook, who then help him recruit the rest of the crew. Although he makes the mistake of revealing the treasure hunt to everyone on the ship, he is careful with the treasure map. Alongside the doctor, he helps fend off the pirates, saving Jim and Silver from accusations of treachery.

Long John Silver is intriguing for his cunning and strategic mind, despite being one-legged. He masterminds the plot against the squire and his associates, and once on the island, he cleverly outmanoeuvres them to seize the treasure map. When the other pirates want to kill Jim, Silver shrewdly prevents them from doing so. Ultimately, he is the only one, aside from Ben Gunn, from Captain Flint’s original crew who ends up with a share of the treasure.

Ben Gunn is an interesting character due to his survival on the island for three years. A former member of Captain Flint’s crew, he knows about the treasure and plays a crucial role in ensuring that the squire, doctor, Captain Smollett, Long John Silver, Jim, and some of the pirates manage to survive and claim their share of the treasure.

Question 2.
The story is filled with a series of captivating incidents. Some of the most memorable ones include:


  • Jim and his mother’s daring escape from the inn when the pirates arrive. This pivotal moment leads Jim to discover the treasure map, setting off the entire adventure to the island.
  • Jim’s eavesdropping on Long John Silver’s plot is another crucial incident. This discovery allows him to escape upon reaching the island, where he encounters Ben Gunn, who becomes an invaluable ally. 
  • The fierce battle between the pirates and the squire’s group is a defining moment, revealing the true loyalties of the characters involved.
  • Jim’s solo effort to take control of the ship marks a significant turning point in his life. Not only does he kill his attacker, but he also bravely navigates the ship to safety, showing tremendous growth and
  • maturity. When Jim returns to the stockade and finds it occupied by Long John Silver and his crew, he makes a bold speech that impresses Silver, who decides to keep Jim alive as part of his group. This courageous act saves Jim from being killed by the pirates.
  • The discovery of the hollow beneath the tree, where the treasure is hidden, is a tense moment. As the pirates despair and prepare to kill Long John Silver and Jim, the timely arrival of the squire and his associates saves them both. In the end, this group, along with Ben Gunn, gets to share the treasure.

Treasure Island Summary

SSLC English Supplementary Treasure Island,
Treasure Island

The story starts at the Admiral Benbow Inn, where Jim lives with his mother. Their quiet life is disrupted when a mysterious old sailor named Billy Bones arrives at the inn. Billy, who has a mysterious chest with him, becomes a permanent lodger, spending his days drinking rum and singing sea shanties. He warns Jim to keep an eye out for a “one-legged man,” hinting at a dangerous past.

One day, a blind man named Pew delivers a “black spot” to Billy—a pirate’s summons or death threat. The shock of receiving this black spot causes Billy to suffer a fatal stroke. After his death, Jim and his mother unlock Billy’s chest, hoping to find money for the rent he owes. Instead, they discover a map, which they quickly realize is a treasure map leading to a hidden fortune.

This discovery sets off a chain of events that leads Jim into a dangerous adventure involving pirates, treasure, and battles for survival. The chapter establishes the story’s central themes of adventure, danger, and the quest for treasure while introducing readers to key characters who play important roles in the unfolding drama.

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